Biopsychology Discussion Response

Prepare for this week’s discussion by viewing the Ted Talk video on Facial Recognition located at

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Then, review the information on vision in Chapter 6 of the course textbook; Pinel, J. (2014). Biopsychology (9th edition). Pearson Publishing. , particularly the information on disorders of visual perception. Select one of the disorders covered in the book (simultanagnosia, prosopagnosia, ocular apraxia, optic ataxia, or Balint’s syndrome) and research its clinical etiology, symptoms, and treatments. Think about its symptoms and problems commonly experienced by people diagnosed with it and its impact on important areas of life functioning, including work, relationships, and leisure time. Locate an APUS Online Library research article or other scientifically grounded information about this disorder and report the etiology, symptoms, treatments, and areas of the brain responsible for it and specific behaviors it affects.  What would you expect to be the must challenging aspects of the disorder for you if you had it.Prosopagnosia is also known as visual agnosia or face blindness for faces. Meaning that a person with this disorder can recognize a face as being a face, but they have difficulties in recognizing the exact details of a particular face, therefore, making it hard to identify a specific person.

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Akinetopsia, is a disorder that is also known as cerebral Akinetopsia, this disorder is a neuropsychological disorder that refers to a patient that cannot perceive motions in his/her visual field. The disorder can be split into two categories, all depends on the severity of the issue and the amount of Akinetopsia affecting the patient’s life.  The categories are broken into Inconspicuous Akinotopsia and Gross Akinotopsia.

            Inconspicuous Akinetopsia, refers to Akinetopsia which the person sees motion as cinema or multiple exposure photograph and is the most common and is also seen by the patient as stroboscopic vision.  This Akinetopsia very often occur with palinopsia or visual trailing. The pathophysiology of Akinetopsia Palinopsia is not well known but it has been considered perspective due to inappropriate activation of the physiological motion. In addition, other sources refer to Akinetopsia that could be caused by medications; any hallucinogen Persistent Perception Disorder.

            Gross Akinetopsia, I the most extreme condition that could be experienced. In this side of the disorder the patient experience a harsh reality; patients suffer a lot since the effects are extreme; they experience profound motion issues, blindness and struggle in performing various activities in their daily life.  Most of what is known about this disorder is known from a case study on subject LM. The issue that this patient presented was very out context at the time he described pouring coffee or tea difficult… “Because the fluids appeared to be frozen like Ice” It was hard for her to know when to stop pouring and odiously did not perceive the fluid moving.

            Another symptom that “LM” describe was she could not follow conversations because could not follow lips and changing facial expression were also missed. On a psychological perspective patients like “LM” states that they felt insecure when in presence of two or more people were interacting in the room. Since the individuals move and she was not able to recognize movements she stated that “people were suddenly here or there but I have not seen them moving”.

            Akinetopsia in a physiological or Ethological perspective refers to a change in the brain structure; these changes disturb psychological processes of the sensory information, in this reference we have visual, facial, and movement information. Disturbance on the visual motion becomes possible based on the anatomical spilt of visual motions processing from other functions. Perception of color can also be seen to disturb patient and is selective like in Achromatopsia. Besides what has been exposed above there are other issues like visuomotor tasking. Akinetopsia is a very rare disorder based on certain data 200mg/day could be enough to suppress the symptoms but “LM” is contradictory because there was not available treatment to lower her symptoms.



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