Book Response Essay

Example of preparation outline (Persuasive Speech) Name: Class: Date: Instructor:

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General Purpose: (To persuade)

Specific Purpose: (A single statement that combines your general purpose, your audience, and objective together. What do you want your audience to experience or adopt? Example: To persuade my public speaking class about the importance of adopting a pet)

Central Idea: (The central idea is also called a thesis statement, theme, or subject statement. It is a concise single sentence summarizing and/or previewing what you will say in your speech. The central idea summarizes and/or previews the ideas, your speech will cover to achieve its objective.)

Introduction: Attention Getter:

  • ➢ This should be your wow statement. Grab your audience. This can be a story, quote, joke, or some other type of grabber that gets your audience interested
  • ➢ What do you want to persuade them to think, change, act or to move exactly?
    Credibility: (State why you should give this speech. What makes you a credible speaker?)

Relevance to Audience: (Why is this subject relevant to the audience? Why should they listen?)

Preview of Speech: (Tell the audience what they can expect from the speech.)

Link: (Also called transitions, this sentence acts as a link between two places. This will help you make logical connections during your speech. Example: First we will talk about…Lets begin with…)


  1. (First Main Idea, should be written out in one complete sentence.)
  2. (Subpoint that supports the main idea) B. (Subpoint that supports the main idea)
  3. (Sub-subpoint or supporting material of B. If you have a 1, you must have a 2)
  4. Sub-subpoint or supporting material of B)

(Link/transition into the second Main Idea. Example: next I will tell you about this, in my second main point I will talk about, let us move on, we are now ready…)

  1. (Second Main Idea)
  2. (Subpoint that supports the main idea) B. (Subpoint that supports the main idea)
  3. (Sub-subpoint or supporting material of B. If you have a 1, you must have a 2)
  4. (Sub-subpoint or supporting material of B) C. (Subpoint that supports the main idea)

(Link/transition into the third main idea. Example: Lastly, I will talk about, in my last point, next…)

III. (Third Main Idea)-Deal with opposition arguments (Reasons the other side is wrong. Predict how someone would argue against you. Why you are right and they are not-bring in your research and reasoning)

  1. (Subpoint that supports the main idea)
  2. (Sub-subpoint or supporting material of the Subpoint A. If you have a 1, you must have a 2)
  3. (Subpoint supporting #1. If you have an a, you must have a b)
  4. (Subpoint supporting #1)

2 (Sub-subpoint or supporting material of the Subpoint A)

  1. (Subpoint that supports the main idea) C. (Subpoint that supports the main idea)

(Link/transition to conclusion. Example: Therefore, as a result, finally, in conclusion, to summarize…)


Summary Statement: (This is where you summarize your main points. Be specific and concise.)

Audience Response Statement -also restate your thesis: (Elicit a response. Tell the audience what you want them to do with the information you have just given them. Example: Now that I have taught you about…I hope you will…)

Wow Statement (Call-to-action): (You want to wow your audience and leave them with something to think about. Give them one last powerful thought. Example: I encourage you to; sign up now; make a decision to be involved)

Works Cited: (Put on last page in alphabetical order and in hanging indent format. (APA))

Name: Class: Date: Instructor:


General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose:

Central Idea:


Attention Getter:


Relevance to Audience: Preview of Speech: Link/transition:













  1. Link/transition III.










Summary Statement:

Audience Response Statement: Wow Statement (Call to action): Works Cited:

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