Peas in a Pod strategic management plan

The business being developed will be a cafe and gourmet home-style meals, delivered to your door. There are three partners to the business. One partner will be responsible for the financial management of the business; the other two partners will drive the production of meals and management of the cafe. The cafe meals and delivered meals will be prepared out of an open style kitchen that will form part of the cafe. The two principles will formulate the cafe menu and weekly home delivered dinner menus. ‘Peas in a Pod’ see themselves placed in a market that is prepared to pay a premium for fresh and nutritious home-style meals. Whether it be parents who are beginning to work longer hours or seniors with the means to acquire pre-prepared meals, this is an opportunity for ‘Peas in a Pod’ to offer nutritious, hassle-free meals at the tip of their fingers.
This gives the opportunity for working parents and seniors to spend more time with their family, and less time at the supermarket. It is this niche market within the catering industry, that Peas in a Pod feel has not widely been addressed. Moreover, running the cafe in conjunction with the delivered meals utilizes to the fullest, the purpose built kitchen, and exposes the dinner service to the cafe patrons. The cafe meals would reflect the same ethos as the dinner service meals, relying on fresh produce to enhance quality nutritious, tasty meals. The cafe will be run professionally with the emphasis on good food and quality service. Peas in a Pod see the patrons of the cafe will be appreciative of this high level of professionalism that they will be prepared to pay a premium for.

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Mission statement
‘Peas in a Pod’
Our dinner service prides itself in helping our customers relieve their daily stresses by providing home delivered, gourmet meals to the door. The cafe provides a bright and inviting atmosphere. It is unique place where customers can sit in comfort, in a relaxed environment, while enjoying exceptional coffee, food and atmosphere. Both areas of our business provide exceptional customer service, and fresh, nutritious food of a consistently high quality. From the point of an order being placed there is no doubt
that our team understands the meaning of professionalism.
We place high expectations on our pleasant and diligent employees to deliver reliable and efficient service that we are proud of – the customer is number one. A consistently varying menu ensures an ever-changing experience for our customers with ‘Peas in a Pod’. It is the mission of ‘peas in a pod’ to give customers a special experience which cannot always be provided from large chain brands. Our open kitchen provides a high level of hygiene and a place to show off culinary skills. We pride ourselves on the personal and courteous way we look after our customers so that their experience is one which they wish to repeat.
Strategic goals – what ‘Peas in a Pod’ would like to achieve over the next 5 years. Year 1 –
Overall profit to reach $20,000
Both sides of the business will have established a loyal clientele, with reputation for exceptional food and customer service. Cafe within its first year, to have established the local reputation for producing the best coffee in town, selling 500 cups a week, and steady growth of repeat customers. Dinner service to deliver over 800 meals per week. Over the counter dinners sold to reach 30.
Year 3 –
Overall profit to reach $50,000
Dinner service – delivering 2200 meals per week
Increase to 100 ‘over the counter’ dinners per week, due to the Woolworths development next door. Dinner service to have developed a firm presence in the southern/eastern suburbs of Sydney, delivering 1500 hundred meals per week. Over the counter dinners to reach 50 per week
Year 5 –
Overall profit to reach $80,000
Business to be in the saleable position.
Cafe – increase in profit see budget
Dinner service – delivering 3000 meals per week.
Strategic plan
strategic management is related to the whole organization. It is concerned with four major functional areas – marketing, operations management, finance and resource management. These elements are responsible for working in unison to realize the overall objectives of the organization. Thinking for the future is the core element of strategic management (International Journal of Business Management pg5)
Competitive Advantage: Peas in a Pods main competition in the local area for prepared meals is ‘Corella Catering’. But, they do not deliver dinners. However there are two main companies that prepare meals and deliver. ‘Light and Easy’ and ‘Gourmet dinner service’ mass produce their meals and are not of the same quality. Although they offer a larger selection on their menu, the quality is sacrificed. The advantage of our boutique style service is that smaller range ensures the quality and freshness remains at a high standard. Peas in a Pod offers a unique service on the north side of Sydney with the quality, delivery, customer service and changing weekly menu it provides.
The business puts an emphasis on customer care, an element some large-scale brands – such as ‘Lite & Easy’ – cannot always maintain. Part of this culture is responding promptly to any negative feedback either through our website, face-to-face or by phone. The website ordering system displays the weeks menus offering ‘less’ selection rather than more to ensure the quality and boutique style.
Growth: Peas in a Pod wishes to expand into the greater region of Sydney once the business has seen promising results in revenue. Increasing market share will enable more opportunities for increased revenue and a firm reputation city – and eventually state – wide.
Cost leadership: Peas in a Pod will consistently maintain low costs in order to remain competitive. Having the lowest cost meals delivered to the customer’s door will increase profitability on the companies part, and increase initiative for customers to buy Peas in a Pod products over the generic Lite & Easy brand.
Michael Porters ‘5 forces model’ is an industry-based analysis. It asks the important questions a business needs to answer in order to ensure theirs in profitable and able to grow.
1) How strong is the sense of competitive rivalry? Economies of scale means more developed companies could produce at a lower cost per unit. In the local area, there is only one firm competitor called ‘Corella catering’ but they do not deliver catered food. In terms of the café section, Newport prides itself on diversity of eating options so Peas in a Pod will have to offer exceptional coffee and new and inventive meals to always be one step ahead.
2) Is there a threat of new entrants? The bureau of statistics current records show that the catering industry has somewhat flat-lined over the past years but there are still very small increases with new entrants, so although there is little threat of new entrants, there is always some present.
3) Is there a threat of substitutes? Because Peas in a Pod aim to produce innovative and unique meals, services and delivery options, the threat of substitutes is low. But the company needs to maintain their competitive advantage in order to see an increase in profit.
4) What is the bargaining power of the customer? Set prices on meal options allows for little bargaining options for the customers, however, if the company see a decrease in revenue, then management may have to consider lowering prices. 5) What is the bargaining power of the supplier? Because the industry is very broad in terms of supply, the business is able to look at other options if the supplier is too expensive or unreliable. But, if the business wishes to purchase a large amount of product, then they may be able to propose a deal to purchase more for less. Theoretical commentary
I chose these models of strategy to assist me in identifying Peas in a Pod’s profitability because they related well to the direction the small business wishes to take. By using examples of other cafés strategic plans like The Watertower café and Sydney’s Jamie’s Italian, I formulated a firm basis and path for Peas in a Pod to take in order to reach their desired goals. Much of the backbone of my research came from the journal article ‘Strategic planning in a turbulent environment’ by Robert M. Grant because it focuses on the effect the external environment has on the internal environment. Grant dates his research back to the 1970’s through the use of detailed case studies and uses comparative strategies to formulate his reasoning.
All theories of organization and management are based on implicit images or metaphors that persuade use to see, understand, and imagine situations in partial ways (Metaphors of Organization, pg 1). The intended structure Peas in a Pod catering intend on organizing the business around is Morgan’s ‘Spider’ theory. Where by the café and catering services will be run in a hierarchal manner, where those with more responsibility than others have the authority to make informed decisions. This means power is centrally organized at the top of the hierarchy, be-it the business owner or manager, and responsibility is lessened as the hierarchy lowers to perhaps a waitress or delivery driver. Like most structure types of organizations, the ‘centralized’ spider structure comes with a few elements to be aware of. Having a centralized system could mean a lack a sense of authority down the hierarchy could potentially lead to reduced manager motivation. Also, by limiting a lower staff member’s p of control, the business may see a decrease in employee motivation. Because this catering/café business is relatively small, the managers need make sure all employees feel valued. Having a centralized organization in this industry can be effective in a number of different ways: The use of standardized procedures can result in lowering cost savings. Staff of a lower rank in the hierarchy will not have to be educated in responsible decision-making. They simply work under the conditions that have been provided with, in an environment where any issue they have, can be resolved with a manager/business owner. Standardized procedures means the staff members of Peas in a Pod do not have extra wage costs to pay for staff training. Having a centralized organization mean other parts of Peas in a Pod don’t become disconnected from the main area of focus. For example, a staff delivery driver will not become too independent from the café service, as he is required to answer to the same decision maker as all other staff. The manager of Peas in a Pod is able to monitor his/hers implemented decision easily when the staff members are answering
only to them. The ‘Spider’ hierarchy allows for quicker decision making which can in turn show a sense of strong leadership Decisions can be made to benefit Peas in a Pod as a whole. If the business were to appoint a manager for the café and a different manager for the catering company, then departmentalized decisions will only affect either the café or catering departments. If Peas in a Pod were experiencing a period of low sales due to exterior factors like the weather or times of economic decline, then the business will need strong leaders who can make centralized decisions, in an informed manner. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE
business owner: the owner of Peas in a Pod creates and maintains the company culture. The owner is responsible for creating anything from a relaxed vibe in the café, to the fresh and convenient image of the catering service. He/she hires, trains and manages key team members. the owner meets with product suppliers to facilitate delivery, and works with the accountant and general manager to discuss where the business is heading. Above all, the business owner of Peas in a Pod is responsible for the growth, stability, direction and everyday operating of the business.
Accountant: provides financial information to management by researching and analyzing accounting data. The Peas in a Pod accountant prepares asset, liability and capital account entries by compiling financial information. The accountant documents financial information by looking at past and potential patterns in revenue. The accountant of Peas in a Pod links changes in customer habit and exterior factors with revenue to provide a basis for the business owner to make decisions.
General manager: the Peas in a Pod cafés shift manager takes responsibility for the café, kitchen and catering service. He/she facilitates the smooth running of day to day shifts within the café. The shift manager analyses and plans restaurant sales levels and profitability, organises marketing activites, managers staff performance, responds to customer complaints, greets and seats customers and ensure all employees comply with uniform standards. The shift and kitchen manager leaises between waitstaff and
kitchen staff to facilitate a smooth production process and order of service. The manager controls where and to whom meals are delivered to and follows up on the progress or delivery drivers throughout the day.
Head chef: The head chef of Peas in a Pod reports to the manager. The head chef manages the kitchen, food preperations, supply orders and kitchen staff for general food service. The head chef collaberates with the manager to plan and develop recipes for both the delivery service and café to consider factors like seasonal availability, likely number of customers, portion size and menu pricing as well as the ideal options for packaging food for transportation.
Assistant chef: the assistant chef of Peas in a Pod performs a variety of preperation duties. He/she works as second in command and performs both supervisory and cooking duties, reviews kitchen inventory, and estimating what foods are needed. The assistant chef at Peas in a Pod sometimes have to start work before the café opens in order to make and package catering meals in preperation for the present day.
Waitstaff: reports to the manager. The waitstaff duties include looking after seated customers and writing patrons food orders on order slips for both food and beverage. Collecting payments, and checking over patrons to see if they are enjoying their meals. The waitstaff of Peas in a Pod are required to communicate with kitchen staff any issues patrons have with food, or dietary requirments. These issues must also be communicated to the shift manager.
Delivery drivers: the delivery drivers of Peas in a Pod must hold a Provisional 2 license or full license to deliver catering meals to customers. They must park the vehicle in a suitable position for loading and unloading, ensure goods are directly stored, plan the shortest delivery route, use Peas in a Pod ‘two way’ radio system to keep in contact with the base and complete neccesary paperwork on delivery. They hold responsibility of cash handling and giving correct change to customers.
Dishwasher: the dishwashers of Peas in a Pod are responsible for maintaining a clean and sanitized work environment to avoid cross contamination. They load soiled dishes into dishracks to wash, after rinsing residual food. They run the dishes through a dishwashing cycle before stacking crockery neatly onto the shelves provided. He/she removes garbage at the end of the shift.
Theoretical commentary:
I combined Morgans ‘spider theory’ with the theory that businesses are ‘heirachies’ where groups are organised according to authority. Although in ways differing I felt combining the two structures allowed me to keep intact the idea that power comes from a central organism, but levels of power are still neccesary for the small business to run – mainly because there are various areas that need different levels of concentration. I used ‘The international journal for Business and Management’ by Xing Jiang to formulate the roles of each member of staff in regards to authority because it not only focuses on the induvidual aspects of a job description but it also concerns ‘The Whole Organisation’.
In the new economic environment that has emerged as an impact of the recent ‘crisis’, the complexity of each industry forms a demanding context that affects consistently both the internal and external environment or organizations – therefore, the majority of firms need to maintain their competitive advantage. (International journal of economy, management and social sciences, 2013)
The hospitality industry in Australia today offers a wide range of opportunities by way of customer feedback. Until very recently, the process of collecting feedback on customer (dis)satisfaction was a lengthy process. Information and rating of specific cafes and other hospitality services was mainly communicated through traditional means such as word of mouth, or in newspapers and magazines. But, with the evolution of the Internet, things have taken a dramatic turn. Social media websites such as Facebook and twitter and online review sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp have become
efficient vessels through which customer experiences are willingly shared. Not only does the opportunity to review their experience offer valuable information to prospective customers, but it also stimulates competition. However, with the advantages of this form of marketing comes its challenges. Fake reviews written by people associated to specific cafes or catering companies are inundating these review sites. In-fact an Econsultancy survey showed that 90% of consumers tended to trust the recommendations of people they knew, while 70% of consumers trusted online reviews more – perhaps because it offered a wide range of opinions. Furthermore, it became obvious to café/catering services that people would be more likely to post a review on these sites if they had an unpleasant experience. Peas in a Pod will aim to encourage all café and catering patrons to post reviews on these sites if they enjoy the food and service. This will be done by putting the sticker logo for TripAdvisor on all the styrofoam delivery packaging. Also, in the café, staff members will be required to suggest to customers to post on these review sites and the website logos will be present at the payment desk.
Over the past 5 years, although the growth in the café and restaurant industry has been slow, rising only 2.1%, the outlook is becoming more and more positive. At the end of the 2012 financial year, its growth in turnover reached 3.2% and is expected to increase gradually. Jason Baker, writer for the online business site ‘SmartCompany’ suggests this is a result of Sydney’s lifestyle. “Cafes and restaurants are sensitive to trends in leisure and recreation time and disposable income.” With more and more people working longer hours, time-poor professionals are starting to eat out more often. Baker also says in the article ‘Café Society’ that in the next 5 years, with the decreasing ability to make home cooked meals and with consumers turning to easier options, sales will inevitably increase.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian bureau of statistics (ABO) current data states that at the end of June 2007 there were 13.987 café and restaurant business operating in Australia. These businesses employed 145,546 people and generated income of over $9702 million during the 2006-07 financial year (giving an average of $693,700 for each business). The current data graph below shows that the
main source of income for cafes and restaurants was revenue generated from meals consumed on the premises, accounting for almost two-thirds of income.
SOURCES OF INCOME – Cafes and restaurants
The current data shows that cafes and restaurants accounted for 47.4% of all employment. Females accounted for just over half (51%) of all employment whilst the majority of them (55.3%) worked as casuals. Interestingly, at the end of the financial year, 3,707 foreign employees held a working holiday visa.
At the end of the same year, there were 1,437 catering businesses operating in Australia. These businesses employed 50,268 people, generated income of just over $3,970 million and incurred expenses of $3753.1 million for the same period. Industry value added by catering businesses was $1833.1 million, contributing 0.2% to Australia’s gross domestic product. The graph below shows that the main source of income for catering businesses was takings from catering services, accounting for four-fifths (80.2%) of total income.
At the end of the financial year, there were 50,268 people employed by catering services. The catering industry accounted for more than half (58.5%) of all Females, similarly to the café/restaurant industry accounted for more then half (58.9%) of all employment.
This data will help Peas in a Pod understand where their strengths and weaknesses are. The graph above proves that if Peas in a Pod are a catering business, then the vast majority of revenue (80%) will most likely come from the catering services. With this data, the company may run into some challenges when attempting to develop the Peas in a Pod café. To make sure the business doesn’t run into failure, they need to devote time and attention into exploring the cafes different opportunities as a somewhat separate entity.
Swot analysis entails portraying a business’ internal context in terms of
strengths and weaknesses (favourable) and it’s external environment for opportunities and threats (unfavourable). It is meant to spark strategic insight and distill fragmentary facts and figures into coherent backdrops for strategic planning (Mintzberg, 1994).
Brand recognition and strong reputation
Employees are willing to build firm relationships with clients, customers, suppliers and colleagues. Unique, seasonal meal options with a wide range of options to choose from, and made with the highest of quality products. Scale ability and ease of execution
Initial catering marketing strategy with EdenHill media group. A strong concentration is placed on expanding business as per strategic plan. Catering leadership in place in all markets.
Website is, innovative, easy-to-read and able to communicate clearly to consumers. People are able to order online from their desk. The company offers an al-la-carte options if the dinner service menu does not suffice. Weaknesses:
External marketing: lack of visibility/market penetration.
Training: the organization needs to invest both time and money into training for the staff in the internal and external employees. Lacking in vegetarian options excludes consumers with dietary needs. Formal program structure: Peas in a Pod need to formalize a system whereby policies and procedures can be easily reached to ensure a consistent catering experience. Training: the organization needs to invest both time and money into training for the staff in the internal and external sales team. Opportunities
The future opportunity of consumer visibility due to the opening of the new Woolworths supermarket next door. Peas in a Pod will continue to grow and become better known in the industry. The realistic prices of the meals makes it more easily obtained by families, busy single parents or the elderly. Improved market penetration: word of mouth will eventually spread through our customer base and into the market. To develope a plan to eventually sell
the business to outside buyers. Generate enough clientele from the dinner service to encourage a clientele base for the café, and vice versa. Develop the catering staff into catering/sales managers once the business expands. Promoting staff that become very familiar with how the business works means less training for outside employees. Threats
Competition excels in marketing and awareness. Companies like ‘lite & easy’ and ‘Jenny Craig’ have utilized strong capital to their advantage to produce marketing strategies like celebrity endorsement. Larger, better-known companies provide their staff with the right amount of training in sales. A dedicated team of sales people is imperative in the competitive market. Commodity pricing: rising fuel costs, delivery vans and fixed costs like electricity gas and rent.
In analyzing the macro-environment of an organization, it is important to identify the factors that might in turn affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organizations supply and demand levels and its costs (Johnson and Scholes, 1993). The PEST analysis prepares for the organizations possible future. For whatever the results, they can be used to form contingency plans for threats and opportunities. Kotler (1998) claims that PEST is a useful strategic tool for market growth and decline, business position, potential and direction for operations.
Political: The operations of Peas in a Pod are most likely going to be affected mostly through changes in the political environment, and the changes in laws that accompany it. The relationship between the countries the company operates and the country from which it purchases supplies is determinant of the possible future business deals between the two. Level of consumer protection
Level of political stability
Market lobbying and pressure groups in Sydney
Economical: in order for the correct financial planning of the business, one
has to understand the economical variables that are out of the companies’ control. Peas in a Pod has to prepare to alter the dynamics of their business in order to survive and experience future growth. Income expenditure of the population of the Northern Beaches and eventually Sydney as a whole. The level of growth in the catering industry
The level of taxation
Government spending
Exchange rates that could have an effect on coffee prices imported from overseas. Season/weather changes
Inflation rate
Australia dollar exchange rate
Minimum wage rates
The City of Sydney and the state government run a number of schemes to improve hygiene levels in the hospitality industry both in preparation and service. City inspectors regularly inspect and advise food businesses on hygiene practices. The Name and Shame scheme publicizes unhealthy and unhygienic food services that fail to meet certain standards. It is essential that Peas in a Pod maintain a clean working environment, or else take the risk by breaking the law.
Social: of all the elements in the wider marketing environment, the socio-cultural environment is often seen as the most challenging. People’s basic beliefs, attitudes and values are shaped by the society in which they grow. Changes in family patterns
Changes in lifestyle trends
Changes in food trends: current food trends include ‘exotic’ products like Quinoa, Goji Berry etc. Consumer demographics in Northern Beaches
Activities of vegetarian and vegan groups
Consumer attitudes and opinions
Level of consumers education
Consumer preferences in both catering and café industry
Steady population growth rate in Sydney
Technological: technology is a major environmental influence upon the marketing department. It affects not only the firms operations, but also consumer lifestyle, and consumption patterns. Technology development in catering industry
Level of research funding by the government and private sector The level of energy and electricity use and the costs associated with it The potential for future innovation in the catering and café industries.
Theoretical commentary:
I used the theory of the external environment (PEST) and internal (SWOT) to inform my portfolio by approaching it after conducting research in both the local area, and in Australia as a whole. Becoming familiar with cultural, technological, social and economical norms, it allowed me to understand the effect the exterior environment has on a small business, and how it could determine success and failure, particularly in the early days of starting. It was this element of the PEST analysis that I believe was the most beneficial to know as Peas in a Pod is in fact, a new business. By studying the current Bureau of Statistics, the International journal of economy, management and social sciences and the journal of applied business research I formed my knowledge on the small business reaction to large-scale circumstances. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION STATEMENT
For most organizations, specifically small businesses, change is inevitable. Organizational cultural issues are becoming increasingly important and a source of strategic competitive advantage (SA, journal of industrial psychology, 2002). In the business environment, creativity and innovation is quite often accompanied with the word ‘change’. In fact, according to Read (1996) most organizations are based on knowledge and their success solely depends on their approach to creativity, innovation, discovery and inventiveness, whilst still maintaining a focus on change. Over the next page is the model created by Martins (2000) called ‘the influence on organizational culture on creativity and innovation.’ With it are the strategic processes Peas in a Pod will adopt to approach creativity and innovation.
Influence of organization culture on creativity and innovation ‘Peas in a Pod’ Catering and Café.
Strategic vision and mission: to maintain competitive advantage, key Drivers and value proposition.
Customer focus: relieving them of their daily stresses by providing hassle free service Means to achieve objectives: through employee training, efficiency and a focus on hygiene Employee needs and objectives: to alter any troublesome strategy in dealing with employee benefits. To provide a comfortable and encouraging work environment and to avoid defensive reactions to change. Interpersonal relationships: to provide by employees and customers with a firm and inviting community Leadership: to foster and environment that encourages creativity, innovation and a sense of entrepreneurship.
Vision and mission:
Peas in a Pod need to ensure the workforce is diverse. The organization will not be prejudice to age, race or gender.
Flexibility – peas in a pod must be able to alter certain protocol surrounding their catering service in order to reap full financial benefit.
decision making
A team environment for Peas in a Pod is essential to create a warm café environment and an inviting attitude for the ‘front-door’ service.
Structures – gaining new ideas and then get them up and running. Reward and recognition: Peas in a Pod must allow for creativity in all areas of employment. This will push them to think with initiative and not be afraid of questioning the status quo.
Leaders of Peas in a Pod will support their employees in taking risks. Peas in a Pod will seek out new employees who show initiative and evaluate the work they have been given.
The business will replicate passed successes.
Reward success and failure – and punish inaction.
The business will encourage competitiveness.
The business will allow for a work environment that supports relaxation and conversation.
The business will be one that takes the ideas of all employees and work in a communal manner to turn them into ideas of innovative services.
The business will foster a culture where it allows all employees to want to share ideas at every step of the innovation process.
The positive aspects of using the strategic system when it comes to innovation and change is that it uses a holistic way of viewing change. In other words, every little alteration of a business has its benefits in more then one area. For example, hiring versatile staff that holds a heavy vehicle license could mean Peas in a Pod could purchase a refrigerated truck. This would also improve the businesses efficiency in delivering meals
as it could finish the deliveries in a single trip. However, the negative aspect of using the strategic system to foster innovation and creativity is that it rejects the detailed analysis of a single element of the business – the meticulous elements of a business are not analyzed and are thus, often forgotten.
Peas in a Pod will utilize innovation strategies to remain competitive. Most catering and café businesses like Peas in a Pod initially enter the industry because entrepreneurs see a niche in the market place. However there is often little time to maintain sole occupancy, before the niche is filled with more like businesses. Therefore, innovation is essential for Peas in a Pod to remain competitive. The strategies to remain competitive through innovation are:
Responding to trends and competition: innovation can help Peas in a Pod discover present opportunities, or ones that are likely to arise in the future. By not only responding efficiently to customer needs and (dis)satisfaction, but by anticipating trends to envision and develop ideas, products or services that could perhaps give them a lead in the market. Peas in a Pod will see a positive outcome by competing with other services to create innovative meal options with new and inventive ways of display and presentation. Once Peas in a Pod steps away from traditional meal options, they may well see a new interest in inventive and unusual ways of cooking. i.e. using spices or vegetables in dessert options. Read also when delivering a briefing volume and rate are classified
Making most of what Peas in a Pod already have: Peas in a Pod will concentrate on existing practices both in the catering service and café to improve efficiency. For example, employee training allows for a more effective task force and organizational process. For Peas in a Pod, being able to work in a condensed kitchen environment could allow for positive conversation, and encourage preparation staff and chefs to work communally. Cutting down on waste by using left over ingredients to make more products can also increase profits.
Developing a unique selling point: because consumers often see innovation as
a selling point, Peas in a Pod will utilize the power of creativity to develop a distinctive element that sets them aside from the rest of the market. A customer may be more willing to purchase their service if there is a well-designed and interesting system rather than its less-exciting rivals.
Communication in the work environment: communication in all facets of the organization is essential to maintain a competitive advantage. Peas in a Pod will value both negative and positive feedback of the customers, they will communicate with suppliers about future developments, monitor the future plans of competition, encourage all wait staff, delivery drivers, managers and kitchen staff and above all, encourage lateral, creative thinking by knowing what their competitors are doing.
Theoretical commentary:
Through the effective study and investigation of four major researchers Ellen Martin (Organizational Diagnostics) Nico Martin, Melinda Coetzee (Journal of Industrial Psychology) and W. A Read (Managing the Knowledge based organization), I formulated my creativity and innovation statement around a basic set of rules. Martins table of ‘Organizational Culture and creativity and Innovation’ has a precise focus on each individual element of an organization, but links it to the ‘big picture’ – highlighting the interdependence of each subsystem, while offering a holistic approach. I found the model helpful in my analysis of Peas in a Pod because the business itself has multiple elements that at times require initiative from all staff members to benefit the business as a whole. I utilized Reads argument that a successful business relies on the knowledge of the workers because Peas in a Pod encourage conversation and positive creative thinking from all staff members, disregarding authority level. Peas in a Pod’s approach to understanding the needs and wants of staff members reflects that of Martin and Coetzee, where their practical and managerial implications argue the importance of acknowledging staff perceptions to create a committed organization.
Peas in a Pod’s overall vision is to provide a fresh, practical, versatile service to the people of Sydney. The business believes a memorable atmosphere in all facets of the business will create individualism and a unique experience for the customer, so it is one they wish to repeat. By continuously innovating product, being aware of their competitors, implementing strategies and keeping a close eye on industry presence, Peas in a Pod wish to create an identity of reliability and efficiency for new and loyal clientele.
The potential the business recognizes by way on expansion, innovation and market growth, coupled with a strong sense of positivity and work ethic, will allow the business to set itself apart from market competitors. Each year, the catering service and café will continue to strive to be the best available in the industry.
With the help of a firm management team, employees, suppliers and service providers, Peas in a Pod will hope to achieve increasing success in quality, consistency and excellence.
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