Stony Brook Why Are New York Residents Fleeing the State After Retirement HW

Question Description

You are required to write a paper using APA guidelines that is at least 20 pages long excluding the title page and reference page.

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Title of the Paper:

Retirement education: Why are New York residents fleeing the state after retirement?

Required elements of the Paper:

Title page

Abstract: The abstract is a concise summary (150-250 words) of the main sections of the paper. It should be written last!

Introduction: The introduction of the paper should set the stage for the project by providing a brief overview of the topic and rationale for the project. It should include a statement of the problem at or near the beginning; don’t keep your reader in suspense regarding the purpose of the project. After clearly articulating the problem, the introduction should provide sufficient background information so the reader can understand what follows.

Description of the Problem: This section should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the introduction. Thoroughly describe the nature of the problem; including your rationale for believing the problem exists. Describe how the project will address the problem, and clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology.

Literature Review: It should both summarize and synthesize the relevant literature. It should include a minimum of 20 references that are fairly current. The majority of the literature reviewed should have been published within the last 10 years, and come from peer-reviewed journals. Edited texts or textbooks may also be appropriate source material. Remember to include page numbers and paragraph numbers when citing texts and online resources respectively. Web sites should be used with caution. Refer to APA guidelines for how to use in-text citations of the articles you review.

Description of the Project: This section should detail what you did. The reader should be able to essentially replicate your project based on what is included in this section. You should include the following: Type of study or research design employed (Recommended resource: Parameters of your study population (sample size, relevant participant information and demographics, etc.) Materials and methods (types of qualitative or quantitative data collected, data collection procedures / protocol, statistical or other methods used to analyze data/outcomes) Analysis and results Tables and figures – these must be referred to and described in the text.

Conclusions and Lessons Learned: This section serves as the discussion and conclusion section of the paper. It should briefly recap the purpose of the project, as well as summarize and contextualize the major findings/outcomes. This is the “so what?” part of the paper – the place where you explain why the outcome matters. What is the impact of the project, what are its limitations, what have you learned, and what are the next steps?

ReferencesA minimum of 20 cited references is required. All cited sources, not just those from the Literature Review, should be included in the references section and formatted according to APA Guidelines. Only those sources that were cited in the paper should be included, i.e., if you read a paper, but did not cite it, you should not reference it.

Appendices: The appendices contain supplementary material, i.e., information that is not essential, but that the reader might find useful for developing a deeper understanding. Appendices can also include high-volume data tables, descriptions, lists, survey questions, etc.



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