

1) *APA REERENCE (10%)*
Make sure that it is an APA format.

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– Should be 100-120 words.
– It should not contain any >3 words of source wording,
– A good summary should include:
    a. The overall idea or purpose of the original
    b. The essential main idea of the original
    c. Any essential supporting details for the main ideas
– A good summary should exclude:
    a. New info.
    b. irrelevant info
    c. Own opinion
    d. “I” and “We”
    e. Reference phrases like “According to…)
    f. Footnotes
    g. Reference data

– Should be 120-140 words.
– CATLABPR which means: Currency, Acceptable?, Teacher’s requirements, Language, Author, Bias, Publication, Relevance.
– Teacher’s req.: What the teacher expects with: Text length, Text age, Text origin, Bibliographical Completeness.
– Biased article is written from one point of view, it is not balanced.
– Author, can be individual, group, organization, sometimes anonymous. Are they experts? Did they publish before?
– Does the source deal in facts or opinions? Facts are piece of information that can be proven to be true, Opinions are ideas about a particular topic and must always be supported by an evidence.
– Currency refers to the relevance of the information based on the publication date.
– USE words like: The article is *brief and recent*, it has useful facts, it contain some bias, less than 3 years old, author is experienced, excellent reputation, the language is for educated reader.

****Finally, you must put the number of words after both the summary and the evaluation.****

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