Topic: Personal Health Plan – (the course is health education)

Topic: Personal Health Plan – (the course is health education)
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please, follow the rubrics in the attached document. the questions is in the document attached. I have attached the combination of my personal journal done for better understanding of the assignment and you might want to work with that. Chapters questions are not required, but its just to give an insight of what each chapters is to enable you with the health plan you are writing about, should all be written in paragraphs as stated in the assignment guide. please, note the followings:
A) Students will reflect on the entries created in their personal learning journal to determine which area of their personal health needs improvement. They will them make a research-based, evidence driven plan to improve their chosen health area. Students will critically reflect upon their current health and the impact the health plan could have in the future.
B) • APA title page
• Introduction paragraph including a thesis statement
• Reflections on Health Assessment Activities (in textbook)
• Demonstrate understanding of the topic (show that you have done the research beyond the textbook)
• Present a plan for improving the area of your health identified
• Summary of what you have learned
• Conclusion paragraph
• Minimum of four credible sources (not including the textbook)
C) • Introduction
– Summary of topic
– Thesis/argument/objective
– “road map”
II) Paragraphs
-Present evidence
III) Conclusion
– Summarize paper
– Restate central point.
***Text book used for the course – Health the basics- 7th CA editiobptn, Rebecca J.Donattele et all.

Assignment: Personal Health Plan
Assignment Description/Question
How healthy are you? Is there room for improvement?
1. Complete an assessment of some of the aspects of your personal health and wellness by using the tools and resources available to you in your textbook. For example, in chapter one (1) there is an activity called “How Healthy are You”, and in Chapter Two (2) there is an activity called “Managing your Psychosocial Health”, and in Chapter Three (3) you can complete an exercise to assess your stress levels. Be sure to include material in Chapter 5 on nutrition.
Each Unit will direct you to some resources and activities and there are questions at the end of each chapter for you to consider as you work through the course. Document your assessments and reflections in a personal journal, and use the journal to develop the health plan assignment.
2. Choose ONE aspect of your personal health that you would like to improve. The health plan I would like to improve on is my physical health – fitness
Assignment Requirements:
1. An APA style title page with a running head, page number, title of your paper, your name, and the college
2. An introduction to your chosen health change plan paragraph with a thesis statement.
3. Results of health assessment activities, reflections on how you chose your topic and your reason(s) for making such a change.
4. Demonstrates understanding of chosen health issues – evidence of substantial research; advances argument/plan with sound evidence; demonstrates understanding of interconnections of new learning.
5. An outline of the plan perhaps in a chart or a table for easier viewing.
6. What are the predicted outcomes from using the personal health plan that you created? Alternatively, the actual outcomes.
7. A summary of what you have learned about yourself
8. Includes a conclusion paragraph that sums up the paper.
9. A list of references (in APA Format) and a minimum of 4 sources other than the textbook. They may be internet sites or materials from the library, i.e.) Journals or magazines. You may use interviews with people in the field, or any material as long as it comes from a credible source.
10. Please use Microsoft Word (or equivalent product) to create this assignment and submit your paper as a .docx. Ensure your paper is 1000-2000 words in length, not including title and reference pages.
11. Organize your paper in the following way:
a) Introduction with a thesis statement identifying your topic and the purpose of the paper. Your motivation for choosing the topic should be included here. (Requirement #2)
b) Reflections on Health Assessment Activities (Requirement #3)
c) Understanding of topic (This is the research part) (Requirement #4)

d) My Health Plan (Requirement #5/6)
e) Summary of What I Learned (Requirement #7)
f) Conclusion (Requirement #8)


0 2 4 6
Introduction and Thesis • No introduction included • There was an introduction but it lacked direction, these statement and/or topic. • Topic is introduced but thesis statement was missing. • Thoroughly introduces the topic and thesis statement was easy to find and
well developed.
Outline • Outline was not included • Outline was included but
could not be interpreted • Outline was included but was
difficult to interpret • Outline was included and
was very easy to interpret
0 3 6 9
Health Plan • No results were included
• There was no reason(s) for making the change included
• There was a clear lack of understanding of the chosen health issue
• Does not demonstrate an understanding of interconnections of new learning • Includes a few of the results of health assessment activities
• How the topic was chosen was not discussed
• Only one reason for making the change was included
• Demonstrates minimal understanding of chosen health issues
• Demonstrates little understanding of interconnections of new learning • Includes most of the results of health assessment activities
• How the topic was chosen was briefly discussed
• A few reason(s) for making the change were included
• Demonstrates a good understanding of chosen health issues
• Demonstrates good understanding of interconnections of new learning • Includes all results of health assessment activities
• How the topic was chosen is easy to find and fully developed
• Plenty of reasons for making the change were included
• Demonstrates full understanding of chosen health issues
• Advances argument/plan with sound evidence
• Demonstrates full understanding of
interconnections of new learning.
0 2 4 6
Academic Rigor and APA • Limited references to support statements.
• Inconsistent use of APA format • Some use of references to support statements.
• Citations were included but not • Effective use of references to support statements.
• Citations were well integrated • Frequent use of references to illustrate, explain and support

well-integrated to support statements.
• Several errors in use of APA style throughout the paper including citations, title and reference pages, page numeration, line and paragraph spacing, page justification, font, levels of headings and subheadings and running head
• Most citations are cited accurately in APA format
• Missing citations: Fails to attribute idea or concept. to support statements.
• Minimal errors in use of APA style throughout the paper including citations, title and reference pages, page numeration, line and paragraph spacing, page justification, font, levels of headings and subheadings and running head
• All citations are accurately cited in APA format. Reference page adheres to APA format • APA style is used correctly throughout the paper including citations, title and reference pages, page numeration, line and paragraph spacing, page justification, font, levels of headings and subheadings and running head
• All citations from relevant literature are accurately cited in APA format
0 1 2 3
Assignment Requirements • Addresses few of the assignment
requirements. • Addresses some of the assignment requirements. • Addresses many of the assignment
requirements. • Addresses all of the assignment requirements.
Clarity & Organization • Random or scattered ideas lacking focus. Difficult to follow.
• No apparent deliberate organization. • Minimal simple organization.
• Some orderly progression of ideas and a general focus.
• Some sections confusing or unrelated to main idea. • Clear, logical pattern of development in organization.
• General focus and coherence.
• Logical sequence of ideas.
• Transitions between ideas consistently smooth and effective.
• Some use of a heading system to segment
work. • Elegant, subtle, seamless pattern of organization.
• Structure may be innovative.
• Ideas flow naturally and smoothly, reinforce and support content.
• Extensive use of headings and sub-headings to clearly identify the logic of each section of the paper.
Writing Conventions • Significant grammar, • Frequent grammar, • Minimal grammar, • No grammar, sentence
Writing Standards to Remember
Every paper requires:
1. A title page.
2. An introduction (not called introduction in your paper) and a conclusion.
3. References page that lists all works cited in the body of the paper; format all references using APA standards.
4. APA formatting to be used, this includes but is not limited to:
• Page numbers in the upper right corner;
• Running head (in capital letters) in upper left hand corner;
• One-inch (2.54-cm) margins all around;
• Double-spacing;
• The first line of each paragraph indented 5-7 spaces (i.e., set tab key at 1.27 cm or ½-inch);
• Left-justified text;
• Times New Roman (12-pt font size)

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