What exactly is New Urbanism?

Essays should be in conventional academic form: double-spaced, minimum one-inch margins, a title page with topic clearly visible, numbered pages, a bibliography of works consulted, and references showing the source of quotations or ideas (foot or endnotes, Chicago Style).

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Write a research paper, based on published academic literature, on one of the following topic-questions. Basic bibliographies are provided for each. If fully and carefully considered these short bibliographies should be sufficient for a top-notch essay, but free to go beyond them to other published material. Unless otherwise stated, all titles in these bibliographies are available on-line through the UTL catalogue.

According to Stephen V. Ward, Planning the Twentieth Century: The Advanced Capitalist World, touches briefly on all the following topics (excluding Topic #1).
What exactly is New Urbanism? When and why did the movement emerge, and what role does history play in it?
Charter of New Urbanism accessible online at (and in many other places on the internet)
Jill Grant, Planning the Good Community: new Urbanism in Theory and Practice
Christopher Silver, New Urbanism and Planning History: Back to the Future, Chapter 10 in Culture, Urbanism and Planning, Moncls and Gurdia, eds,
Bruce Stephenson, The Roots of the New Urbanism: John Nolens Garden City Ethic, Journal of Planning History, 1, 2 (May 2002): 99-123

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